Take the Trail Blazer fan survey: Who should stay? Who should go? What’s needed?

OK, Trail Blazers fans, it's time your voices are heard.

Even though the NBA season is suspended, your opinions are not, and I'm curious to hear your views on the state of the Blazers. What went wrong this season? Who would you like to see come back? What you would like the Blazers to address? And how confident are you in the decision-makers within the organization? And for fun, we'll check in on some legacy questions — where does Damian Lillard rank in franchise history? What is the worst draft decision in franchise history? What is your favorite recent playoff memory?

This should be fun but also educational and a chance to take the temperature of one of the NBA's most involved and informed fan bases. We'll compile the results, and I will write a story revealing what we found out.

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